Towers of Silence

Towers of Silence
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It's the count down to Christmas and Sal Kilkenny is exhausted even just thinking about the festive season – so when she is asked to investigate a seemingly straightforward suicide, she turns the case down. But eventually persuaded, against her better judgement, to help the family trace their mothers' last hours, Sal is ashamed to realise how little the authorities had bothered to investigate and starts to have her own suspicions about the death. Why would a woman so petrified of heights choose to jump from the top of Manchester's Arndale Centre car park? Written with beautiful attention to the nuances of everyday life, Towers of Silence is an emotionally involving journey into the heart of a city hiding dark secrets.

Книга "Towers of Silence" начинается так:

It was the festive season. Less than three weeks till Christmas but we’d all been smothered with tinsel, fake snow, holly and Santa Claus since they’d whipped the Hallowe’en stuff away at the beginning of November. We were on the home run. Three weeks and counting, nineteen shopping days. Well, every day was a shopping day and half the nights an’ all. The Manchester stores were busy, tills-a-bleeping in the steady chant of commerce, shop windows ablaze with all the sparkling ingredients for that magical celebration, the city festooned with luxury. Samaritans signing up for extra duty on the phone lines. Festive season, restive season.

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Еще от автора Cath Staincliffe
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